Rev. Anthony E.
Owens Ministries, LLC

“Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth. Unite my heart to fear Your name.” Psalm 86:11 NASV.
“This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men (and women) to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. “ 1 Timothy 2:3-4 NASV.
“Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” John 14:6 NASV.
Welcome to Rev. Anthony E. Owens Ministries, LLC. Within this ministry, you can expect answers to your questions about life based on the word of God. There is no doubt that the world has some falsehoods, and people are desperate for the truth, and those subscribing to this ministry seek the truth. The creator of this ministry is a former pastor with a heart for all people (saved and unsaved), seeking the truth and wanting to live transformed lives for the betterment of all people. So, if you are searching for the truth, which is found in the word of God, you have found the right ministry. The above graphic art is a beautiful church, but we, the people, are the church, and all of us are beautiful in the eyes of God. So, prayerfully, with a pastor's heart reaching beyond a church's four walls, this ministry will have many truth seekers. Please be prayerful and discerning and join our ministry.
Rev. Dr. Anthony E. Owens, M.Div., D.Min.
Ancient Times And The Digital Platform
Like the Apostle Paul, who pursued the Gentiles in his missionary journeys, this ministry will do the same digitally. During ancient times, the Jewish synagogues, the marketplace, and the Roman road shared their faith with those who passed by. The ruins in Galilee, in particular the city of Magdala, Israel, Jesus would visit, knowing the Jewish rabbi would be speaking. In the marketplace, where travelers and merchants sold goods, the synagogues personified, and many shared with those at that location.

Because this ministry is a hybrid church, primarily an online community, with the simplicity of definition regarding the mission and vision of ministry, our mission is to answer those questions in Christianity that apply to our lives bringing many to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Ministries Coming Soon
The first ministry launched was a weekly video on YouTube, which enables us to answer questions about Christianity that apply to our lives in the comments. Other ministries will follow, and one has arrived. We are at the Clubhouse. Follow us at Truth That Changes Lives so you can be notified when we go live.
Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ (in person or online) is a lifetime pursuit because we constantly learn and apply what we have learned to win more souls for Jesus Christ. In a world searching for the truth, we believe the fact is found in Jesus Christ. For the intellectual, the challenge is to educate oneself, realizing that life has so much to offer when we come into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. So, do not be argumentative, but challenge us to look into the evidence of why we believe, and let us dialogue together. First, however, let us love one another in this pursuit. So many people, especially in this virtual environment during and after COVID-19, are searching for answers, and prayerfully we can find the answers in this ministry.